Possibilities of Usage of Oilcakes from Non-traditional Oil Plants for Development of Health-friendly Functional Food Products Usage of Oilcakes for Development of Functional Food
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Research studies have shown that the nutrition of Lithuanian population is not healthy. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibilities of usage of oilcakes from non- conventional oil plants for the development of new food products and estimation of their quality and nutritional properties. For this purpose the standard methods were used to determine and compare the nutritional value of non-traditional oilseed cakes, analyzed the possibilities of their use for development of new confectionery products. During experimental tests, the bread samples were developed and made enriched with 2.5%, 5% chia (Salvia hispanica L.) oilcake flour and also the donuts enriched with 2 to 8% citrus fibers Citri – Fi and with 8% chia oilcake flour.The physico-chemical quality, organoleptic properties of oilcakes and new products were determined by standard methods. Nutritional value of new breads was calculated using Excel program. It was found that oilcakes from non-traditional oilseeds contain up to 50 % protein and up to 35 % fiber. Chia oilcake is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Laboratory tests showed that the bread with 2.5 % chia oilcake addition was distinguished by the best technological and organoleptic characteristics. The use of chia oilcake in the production of yeast donuts reduced the loss of fritting fat and the amount of fat in the donuts was lower by about 40% than the amount of fat in the control sample. Chia oilcakes have the same technological properties as citrus fibers Citri-Fi.
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