Effect of electrochemically activated anolyte on the shelf life of cold stored rainbow trout Аnolyte treatment extended shelf life
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The sensory, physicochemical and microbiological properties of electrochemically activated anolyte and flake ice chilled rainbow trout (Oncorcynchus mykiss) packed in low-density polyethylene/polyamide bags were studied during storage for 20 days at 0-4°C. Significant reduction of the sensory assessed scores was found. The fish treated with ECA was assessed as satisfactory fresh to 15 days of storage. On this day, their sensory scores of the state of the eyes were higher (p* < 0.05) with 27.78%, skin appearance with 22.22% and taste of grilled trout with 18.75% respectively in comparison with flack ice chilled fish. After 20 days of storage the electrochemically activated anolyte treated rainbow trout characterised by 4.38% lower pH, 20.00% lower free fatty acids, 9.22 % lower peroxide value, 17.65% lower TBARS, 5.85% lower free α-Amino nitrogen, 19.66% lower total volatile based-nitrogen, 4.28% lower total viable counts on the skin and 2.90% in the muscle tissue, and 2.82% lower psychrotrophic count on the skin and 2.86% in the muscle tissue.
The conclusion was made that the chilling of the rainbow trout with electrochemically activated anolyte could contribute to prolong the shelf life by maintaining satisfactory organoleptic and physicochemical properties to the 15th day at 0-4 °C.
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