Evaluating the consumption of energy sources for rose oil production Energy consumption for rose oil production
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The evaluation is related to two installations for water-steam distillation in a capacity of around 10 t rose flowers in case of 24-hour operation. It was specified that the specific consumptions per 1 kg processed rose flowers are as follow: 4 kg/kg for steam, 8 MJ/kg for heat energy, 0.26 kg/kg for natural gas (PNG, CNG), 0.28 kg/kg for LPG, 0.31 kg/k g for fuel oil, 0.90 kg/kg for wood pellets, 1.54 kg/kg for wood chips, 107 kJ/kg for electric energy, 10 L/kg for cooling water and 4.2 L/kg for tap water. The specific consumptions per 1 kg produced rose oil are about 14 t/kg for steam, 29 GJ/kg for heat energy, 914 kg/kg for natural gas, 982 kg/kg for LPG, 1080 kg/kg for fuel oil, 3196 kg/kg for wood pellets, 16301 kg/kg for wood chips. The costed shares related to the price of 1 kg rose oil are as follow: 21.4 % in case of using fuel oil, 13.9 % for LPG, 9.9 % for PNG, 9.7 % for CNG, 7 % for wood pellets, 4 % for wood chips; 0.32 % for tap water, 0.17 % for electrical energy.
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