Study of ultrasound and enzyme assisted extraction of tannins from mangosteen peel in Vietnam Extracts of anthocyanin from mangosteen pulp peel
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In Viet Nam, mangosteen is grown mainly in the Southeastern and the Mekong Delta provinces (about 4,900 ha). The peel and un-ripened fruit accounts for 68-70 %, which is now almost are discarded. Mangosteen peels content more than 20% (w/w) polyphenols (Nguyen Thi Hien et al, 2018). Many compounds of them are antioxidative, antibacterial, antifungal and protein precipitable such as xanthone, tannin, anthocyanin.
In this study, traditional extraction, enzyme assisted extraction (EAE) and ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) to obtain polyphenol compounds from the peels of Gacinia mangostana Linn collected from Can Tho, Vietnam were investigated. For traditional extraction: Ethanol (60%) acidified was used as solvent, the ratio of solvent to material was of 20 (v/w), temperature at 60oC was selected. For EAE, amylase and polygalactuonase enzymes help to increase tannins extraction efficiency in comparion to non-enzymes extraction. The condition for EAE: 0.5% concentration of enzyme (v/w) at 60oC, pH 5 for 30 minutes was selected. UAE technique has increased extraction efficiency, especially at intensity of 40KHz, at 60°C for 15 minutes and its extraction efficiency was more than 90%. Practical applications: Xanthone, anthocyanin and tannin extracted from peels of mangosteen, can be used afterward for additive in some food application as natural coloring substance and antioxidants for preservation.
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