Application of the descriptor-profile method in modeling the recipes of a preserved food using sprouted grain and malt extract Modeling of preserved food recipes using descriptor-profile methods
Main Article Content
The article reflects the possibilities of using the descriptor-profile method in modeling recipes of functional food products taking into account the consumer preferences. Preserved foods using sprouted bare-grained oats or wheat and barley-malt extract served as samples for research. The simulation of the consumer preferences of the preserved product was carried out using a descriptor-profile method of tasting analysis. There were thirty-two features of descriptors identified for assessing organoleptic indicators and emotional customers’ perception of the product. A visual model of the consumer preferences of the preserved product was formed. The intensity and significance of each descriptor were determined. Influence of share of sprouted grain and malt extract on consumer preferences of preserved product was studied. Increasing the share of sprouted grain in the product reduced the coverage of the grain with the extract, the pallor and hardness of the grain, the intensity of brown color and the presence of malt-apple aroma. An "ideal" portrait of the product has been developed taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the product, allowing to design organoleptic indicators at the stage of product development. High consumer preferences of the preserved product – a harmonious sweet taste with slight sourness, malt-apple-honey aroma, moderate grain hardness, lack of bitterness, – were achieved with 40% – 50% sprouted grain and 50% – 60% extract.
Article Details
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