Development of Plant based meat analogue Development of plant-based meat analogue
Main Article Content
Plant-based meat analogue is a mimicked product that looks like animal meat along with nutritional qualities, beneficial health effects, and sensory characteristics. The main objective of this study was to formulate a meat analogue with similar nutritional and sensory characteristics as that of animal meat, which can potentially help with the shortcoming of meat to fulfil the demand. The process of one factor optimization optimized each selected ingredient of the meat analogue. Final base ingredients for meat analogue were selected, and the developed product was evaluated sensory using a nine-point hedonic scale. Desired treatment was selected based on the maximum index score obtained from nine points hedonic scale for ingredient optimization of jackfruit (26%), soy protein (26%), meat flavor (3%), and wheat gluten (4.3%). Physicochemical analysis of optimized plant-based-meat analogue was also conducted. The moisture content of the meat analogue was about 48.73%, the fat content - 2.46%, pH of raw product - 6%, cooking yield of product - 90.25%, diameter reduction of analogue - 3.86% and thickness reduction - 11.83%.
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