Application of image processing using NI LabVIEW for mold distribution analysis in blue cheese Application of image processing using NI LabVIEW for mold distribution …
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The NI LabVIEW is a software for real-time data processing and it is widely used for process control in industry. It has a lot of additional libraries and modules which extend its functions and support its applications in many different areas. Vision Builder and Vision Assistant are modules in NI LabVIEW which support image acquisition and processing. These modules are used for the purpose of the current research in order develop an algorithm to analyze mold distribution in blue cheese. Eight trademarks of blue cheese are used for comparative analysis of mold distribution. Every sample is cut with special cheese slicer in order to evaluate its mold distribution. The samples are captured with digital camera and images are processed in NI LabVIEW environment. Coefficient of mold (ratio of pixels with mold to all pixels in cut surface of cheese) is calculated for nine regions of interest on every picture. This coefficient is used for statistical analysis of mold distribution. It is observed that cheese which have low quantity of mold are presented with non-even mold distribution and cheese which have high quantity of mold are presented with almost even mold distribution. The results show that the upgraded experimental setting could be successfully applied for mold distribution analysis of blue cheese and the LabVIEW environment and its software modules Vision Builder and Vision Assistant could be effectively applied for fast and accurate evaluation of mold quantity and distribution in blue cheese.
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