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Shanooba Palamthodi Shriram Shimpi Kanchanlata Tungare


The present research investigation was conducted to analyze the nutritional and functional properties of wheat, ragi and jackfruit seed composite flour. About 11 combinations were made using wheat, ragi and jackfruit seed composite flour with 100% wheat flour as control. 100% ragi and jackfruit flour was also added in the experiments for comparison. The combinations were optimized based on the proximate composition analysis and functional properties. The proximate composition analysis of wheat revealed the fact that jackfruit seed flour contains a higher amount of protein i.e.,13.9 g than wheat and ragi i.e., 11.45 g and 7.8 g respectively. Jackfruit seed flour contains lower fat i.e., 1.44 g as compared to wheat and ragi (2.27g and 1.78 respectively). Also, jackfruit seed flour contains low moisture 6.5% and ash content 0.96% than wheat (6.53% and 0.97%) and ragi (8.76% and 0.98%). The combinations of wheat, ragi and jackfruit seed flour in ratio of 80:10:10, 80:15:5, 70:10:20 and 60:20:20 showed good water and oil absorption capacity and emulsion stability and was found to be significantly different (p < 0.05) from the wheat flour alone. Based on nutritional and functional value, we selected 4 combinations for further studies. The selected flour combinations were used to prepare biscuits and muffins against 100% wheat products as control. Sensory evaluation indicated that incorporation of jackfruit seed flour in wheat up to 20%, significantly (p < 0.05) enhanced the taste, aroma and texture of biscuits. However, higher levels of jackfruit seed flour contributed to bitter taste in biscuits and thereby the products were rejected by the sensory panel. Further, the optimized biscuits showed superior antioxidant activity. This activity was significantly higher (p < 0.05) compared to the control samples. Muffins were prepared with two flour combinations of wheat: ragi: jackfruit seed flour in ratio of 80:10:10 and 80:15:5 owing to its high nutritional and functional property of which, muffins made in ratio of 80: 10:10 showed good taste, texture and aroma when compared to the other sample and the control (100% wheat flour).

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How to Cite
PALAMTHODI, Shanooba; SHIMPI, Shriram; TUNGARE, Kanchanlata. A Study on Nutritional Composition and Functional Properties of Wheat, Ragi and Jackfruit Seed Composite Flour. Food Science and Applied Biotechnology, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 63-75, mar. 2021. ISSN 2603-3380. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 jan. 2025. doi: