Publication criteria
The criteria for publication in the Food Science and Applied Biotechnology (FSAB) international journal are related to a special preliminary assessment procedure. Compliance with the following requirements is checked:
Sector Editors and the Editor-in-Chief determine whether the manuscript falls within the scope of the journal.
The Production Editor or a qualified linguist evaluates the quality of the English language, which needs to be clear, correct and unambiguous. It is the authors’ responsibility to improve, if necessary, the quality of the English language through any other third-party service.
Sector Editors and the Editor-in-Chief evaluate the novelty of the data presented in the article, considering both the fundamental and the applied aspects. They assess the scientific quality of the research as a whole.
The publisher (in the persons of the Production Editor and the Editor-in-Chief) checks each manuscript for plagiarism. For this purpose, the iThenticate plagiarism detection software is used. When the system detects a different form of plagiarism, citation manipulation or data falsification/fabrication, the manuscript is rejected and information on its nonconformity is sent to the authors’ partnership/affiliation institution and distributed to the attention of the research community.
The authors (in the person of the corresponding author) submit a written declaration (part of the Cover Letter) that the study has not been previously published (in whole or in part) nor is it considered for publication elsewhere.
The authors (in the person of the corresponding author) submit a written declaration (part of the Cover Letter) that the manuscript publication is authorized by all authors and once it is accepted for publication, it will not be sent elsewhere, in English or in another language, without the copyright holder’s written consent.
Authors must ensure that no material submitted as part of a manuscript infringes an existing copyright or the rights of a third party.
All articles published in the Food Science and Applied Biotechnology international journal are copyrighted by their respective authors under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0) (please see Authors must be the sole authors of the respective article and must have full authority to contract and grant rights (if any) to the Academic Publishing House of the University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv without breach of any other obligation.
Author(s) should vouch for the integrity of their article and related works. Authors should make sure that the submission of a manuscript to the Academic Publishing House of the University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv will not result in a breach of contract or confidentiality or a commitment to confidentiality.
If a presented research article replicates or is very similar to previous work, its authors should provide a solid scientific rationale for the work presented and refer to and discuss existing literature. Submissions that copy or are derivative of existing works are likely to be rejected if the authors do not provide adequate justification.
The study must meet all applicable standards related to experimental ethics and research integrity.
The Editorial Board believes that no manuscript should be rejected solely on the basis of "lack of novelty", provided the manuscript is sufficiently robust and technically sound. Often, a journal's decision to publish an article is driven by an editor/reviewer's opinion of what is interesting and what would attract a larger readership—both of which are subjective judgments that can lead to decisions that are frustrating and delay publication.
The Food Science and Applied Biotechnology (FSAB) international journal will conduct a rigorous double-blind peer review of your submissions and publish any papers judged to be technically sound.
Judgments about the importance of a particular document are made after its publication by its readers (who are best qualified to determine what is of interest to them).